The average house price on ST GILES GARTH is £617,179
The most expensive house in the street is 1 ST GILES GARTH with an estimated value of £880,995
The cheapest house in the street is 1A ST GILES GARTH with an estimated value of £455,340
The house which was most recently sold was 4 ST GILES GARTH, this sold on 19 Dec 2022 for £660,000
The postcode for ST GILES GARTH is LS16 9BD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1A ST GILES GARTH Detached £455,340 £109,000 1 Oct 1999
1 ST GILES GARTH Detached £880,995 £280,000 11 Jan 2002
2 ST GILES GARTH Detached £536,206 £417,500 13 Jul 2017
3 ST GILES GARTH Detached £616,688 £495,000 2 Apr 2019
4 ST GILES GARTH Terraced £660,000 19 Dec 2022
5 ST GILES GARTH Detached £669,085 £149,950 28 May 1999
6 ST GILES GARTH Detached £544,760 £500,000 12 Nov 2021
7 ST GILES GARTH Detached £625,000 7 Oct 2022